
by Girubank S.A



The Girubank digital bank application features a simple and easy-to-use screen, without much pollution from internal advertisements. By downloading the Girubank application and creating an account as an individual or legal entity, the customer has access to a complete digital bank and without annuity charge. In this digital account, the customer will be able to make transfers (between Girubank, TED and Pix accounts), generate slips, recharge cell phones and pay bills (water, electricity and other slips).We have other financial products such as loans, investments and financing. We have a personal loan line for individuals of up to R$10,000.00. For acquisition, we perform a simple and quick credit analysis. If approved, we send a simulation for customer evaluation and possible hiring.The product that Girubank, through Giru Invest, has been working on so far is the CCB (Bank Credit Note): a Fixed Income, Stable and Very Low Risk investment. It will categorically yield more than Savings, the CDI and consequently more than the Selic Treasury as well. We have two investment options: simple interest and compound interest. The partner company in this product is Select Investimentos. To invest, the customer will only need to fill out a simple registration form and transfer the desired amount to the indicated account.One of our main advantages is related to the conditions and forms of investments. We work with both simple and compound interest.We also work in the intermediation of vehicle financing with two partners, Porto Seguro and BV Financeira. Each financial institution has its own rate and analysis conditions. We indicate the one that is most favorable to the clients request. Both finance up to 100% of the value of the vehicle. The client may request financing analysis, free of charge and without obligation.We also offer a regional cashback system! In this system, the PF customer can earn cash back after buying from one of our partners and paying with their Girubank account! As for the PJ client, among the benefits of being one of our partners are customer loyalty and winning, standing out among other competitors and advertising without paying extra for it.